
餐厅菜品英语 饮食风俗怎么写,餐厅菜品英语 饮食风俗怎么写的

大家好,今天小编关注到一个比较有意思的话题,就是关于餐厅菜品英语 饮食风俗怎么写的问题,于是小编就整理了1个相关介绍餐厅菜品英语 饮食风俗怎么写的解答,让我们一起看看吧。


Fish, especially steamed fish, is a staple at a New Year's Eve dinner in China. In Chinese, the word "fish" sounds like "surplus". So, if you eat fish, it is thought you are expecting a fruitful and wealthy year.

The New Year's Eve Dinner, a traditional Chinese feast, consists of reunion dishes symbolizing prosperity, health, and happiness. Delicacies such as fish (for abundance), dumplings (unity), and spring rolls (fresh beginnings) are essential. Families gather to share this meal,庆祝 the Lunar New Year and the hope for a prosperous new year.

餐厅菜品英语 饮食风俗怎么写,餐厅菜品英语 饮食风俗怎么写的


1. New Year's Eve - 除夕

2. Lunar New Year - 农历新年

餐厅菜品英语 饮食风俗怎么写,餐厅菜品英语 饮食风俗怎么写的

3. Family reunion - 家庭团聚

4. Feast - 盛宴

5. Dumplings - 饺子

餐厅菜品英语 饮食风俗怎么写,餐厅菜品英语 饮食风俗怎么写的

6. Fish - 鱼

7. Spring rolls - 春卷

8. Noodles - 面条

The Spring Festival is the most festival in China. On the eve of the festival, people h***e a big dinner. People usually h***e dumplings. People in the south of China h***e rice cakes.

Spring Festival Eve; big dinner; get together; make dumplings; stew; deep fry; watch TV; soft drink; wine; liquor; spirit; beer; hot pot; 

到此,以上就是小编对于餐厅菜品英语 饮食风俗怎么写的问题就介绍到这了,希望介绍关于餐厅菜品英语 饮食风俗怎么写的1点解答对大家有用。

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